HI there ! Today i upgrade my home lab to Ubuntu 22.04. It was a bit painful so i’ll share you some tips to help you 😉

Disclaimers : I know RKE 1 is old, but for very tiny clusters it’s very handy. I just need to prepare SSH on all nodes ang go ! Moreover, my k8s cluster is now 5 years old, and migration from RKE1 to RKE2 is too complicated for little benefit…

Ok now, here we go !

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Gitpod is a Ready-to-Code development platform which allow users to quickly contribute on projects. This platform is powered by VS-Code online.

GitOps is now a standard approach to manage applications and infrastructure delivery. Gitpod is very usefull for that, because you can offer to anyone a Ready-to-Use platform to administrate and contribute.

Gitpod simplifying project startup ! All the tools you use will be available in the VS-Code terminal.

Here, i will share my experience with Gitpod to administrate and contribute on Kubernetes projects.


  • Gitpod account on gitpod.io (Or self-hosted instance)
  • Gitlab / Github account (or private Git server)
  • Working Kubernetes cluster
  • A web browser !
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Minio is a cloud native open-source object storage solution (S3 compatible). Here, you can found some usefull commands to administrate your Minio instance.

Start ‘mc’ command by using Docker command :

# docker run -it --rm -entrypoint=/bin/sh minio/mc:<TAG>
docker run -it --rm -entrypoint=/bin/sh minio/mc:RELEASE.2019-09-11T19-53-16Z

Warning : Be careful when you choose minio/mc tag. Please, choose tag timestamp equal to the minio server.

Login to minio instance :

mc config host add minio https://minio.myhostingservice.com/ admin <YOUR-SECRET-KEY>
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PAC Manager is a great multi-protocol connections manager. I use this software for a very very long time but unfortunately, it stuck at startup when we use SSH protocol under Deepin 15.5…

[pastacode lang=”bash” path_id=”e1aeca223c80f7dabb42cf93d70dbeee” file=”” highlight=”” lines=”” provider=”gist”/]

Now, you can use SSH connections with PAC Manager and play with your servers !